Down deep in our heart, in Texas...
In the middle of a full-blown pandemic, Fred Hammond realized that the lives of the elderly were not only at risk, but without warning, being reinvented almost overnight. There was new norm that required immediate solutions, clarity, patience, and most of all empathy. At this point, Fred decided to take his 30-year of executive experience with Fortune 500 companies and follow his heart to be more purposeful. In the fall of 2020, Fred purchased 1st Aid, a leader in home health care throughout the state of Texas since 2007. It was rebranded it and Hammond Home Health Care was born.
Hammond knew one thing from the past that would be vital for success – people. High quality, high character, passionate would be our greatest resource. Every decision would start with the question, first who, then what”. If we didn’t think the people lined up with our values and purpose, then there would not be anything to consider.
A serendipitous crawfish boil...
At a neighborhood crawfish boil, Hammond Home Health met Natalie Robertson, a physical therapist who had a long and successful career in healthcare leadership. Natalie had a proven history and passion working with seniors, but more importantly recognized the emerging care need and shared the same heart to help find solutions to improve patient care for the elderly. Natalie is the Vice President of Business Development and not only carrying out our purpose but helping further discover it and lead us towards it. Natalie is a passionate, purpose driven leader that is ensuring that our heart for both our patients and our culture doesn’t deviate.
Our senior population is most at-risk for chronic conditions and is also the fastest growing demographic. It is vital that we intervene with effective oversight of their healthcare in order to prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and improve quality of life.
- Natalie Robertson
Fred Hammond
Owner & CEO
Natalie Robertson
Vice President / Physical Therapist
Miriam Gomez
Patient Care Coordinator
Heidi Knowles
Director of Nursing
Office Manager